What is an Osteopath Host?

A network host is a device or computer connected to a network. A host can operate as a single point service provider that provides basic services, information resources, and software applications to other computers or clients on the same network. Most hosts are assigned only one network address for each physical port. In a multilayered architecture, where many physical ports are involved, multiple hosts can be connected to the same IP address and serving different applications. Some hosts are multipoint in nature, while others are dedicated to particular purposes such as file serving, web server, or email server.
A virtual host is an automated server designed specifically to act as a remote support for Hospice programs, that can be accessed from any location. This technology empowers patients who have reached the end of their life to remain active and productive in their communities. This type of host has the ability to configure, deploy, and manage applications such as medical telemetry, patient portals, appointment reminders, order entry and viewing, pharmacy management, patient education and communication, and patient data storage.
Another popular term used to describe a Hospice host is “hospice client.” A Hospice client is a computer application that provides facilities such as patient education, portal for patient data storage, and host entry and viewing. In addition, a Hospice client also provides facilities such as telephone answering service, voicemail, fax and email. Computer software also commonly referred to as “Mediastat” is popular for managing patient medical records and communicating between administrators, treating physicians and patient families.
“Osteopathic host” is another popular description of a Hospice host. An osteopathic host is a professional who offers a specialized and advanced medical care for terminally ill patients. Often this type of hospice is employed by hospitals, but some osteopathic medical specialists are available privately. In general terms, an osteopathic host provides a more humane environment and higher quality of care than other types of hospice environments. A hospice hostess has special training and is certified by the American Osteopathic Medical Association (AOMA). They provide a comforting, non-judgmental environment for terminally ill patients that helps them cope with death.
“Osteopathic host entry” is another popular term used for hospice clients. A host entry is an arrangement in which a hospice provider coordinates the life of a dying person. A number of people enter into this type of arrangement including families, individuals, and clergy members. The term can encompass anyone who has an established relationship with the deceased or anyone the hospice provider feels could benefit from being involved in the dying process.
The definition of “Osteopathic host entry” is slightly different depending on the edition of the Middle English text used. In most occurrences of Middle English texts, however, the word “host” is used to refer to anyone who makes the decisions for the deceased. The OED also lists other variations of the term, including “a fixed arrangement where one or more people to make decisions for another person, or one or more persons to execute decisions for themselves.” There are very few citations regarding the word in printed Middle English, so it’s not clear which version was commonly used.