Exploring the Different Flavour Profiles Found in the Greggs Range


Greggs known for their quality baked goods at a reasonable price, will be gracing London Gatwick Airport with its presence in the coming summer. Greggs well-known Sausage Rolls will be offered for passengers who arrive at the airport and people in the terminal side of South Terminal. This is the seventh year that the store has been open for shop located at London Gatwick Airport. Tony Rowson, Greggs Property Director stated “We are actively following our strategy of property development by expanding and diversifying our retail property that includes railways, underground stations and, in the near future the airports.” Gregg’s first venture into an airport in the south of England and is a further addition to the country’s most crowded airport, which is the second largest in Britain.

The method of developing an airport format for Greggs has been a slow procedure, beginning in the year Greggs first opened its doors in Newcastle, England. Two decades later, only seven Greggs stores are located at airports. They include Manchester, Leeds East Midlands and Liverpool. Birmingham will soon join the ranks. While these stores are getting great comments from travelers seeking affordable satisfaction, this may be different from many retail airport plans that are more likely to offer deals with greater margins and strong branding internationally, even in regards to the food and beverages.

Greggs is a pillar of British tradition for more than 100 years. Greggs sells millions meat and sausage bakes, as well as vegetarian sausage rolls in their many locations throughout the UK. Greggs has partnered with Primark an online retailer that offers value to create a new project this year. Their varied operations permit their businesses to function in smaller spaces like airports. However, it is important to take into account the satisfaction of passengers when managing retail outlets within airports. This is perhaps where Greggs will play a key contribution.

The store offers a broad assortment of donuts, sandwiches and salads at franchise stores However, the company is focusing its efforts to introduce new places where customers are able to shop, work and travel. Rowson stated, “We are continuing to focus our efforts on the newest locations that are convenient for people to work, shop and travel.” London Gatwick Airport, which is a hub for both short- and long-haul point-topoint services, mainly for passengers on leisure trips, will in the near future be taking risks by altering their current Costa Coffee location directly opposite the gates for arrivals to one for Greggs within .

Greggs is claiming to provide an enjoyable “welcome home” for its current British customers , who have a good understanding of the brand and the offer. Greggs will be able to assess its international services in this terminal, which is the best they have ever. Airports try to provide an unique “sense” of belonging, and this will have different outcomes. It could help create a pleasant atmosphere that is welcoming to visitors from all over the world which may not have been comfortable with the name. Since they have full control over the entire supply chain Greggs hopes to welcome their customers with this brand new project.

In 2004, Greggs moved away from bakery products to include meals-on-the-go and will soon be opening at a minimum, units over the next few months. The business made a profit of PS million ($million) in the 12 months to December 31 and a % increase of % in the 4th quarter alone. Roisin Currie who is Chief Executive Officer, predicted difficult market situations, yet she stated that the firm’s business model would remain “highly pertinent” for those trying to reduce their expenditure.


As a conclusion, the new Greggs store in Manchester Airport is an exciting event and offers an chance for the company increase its reach and brand highs. Greggs offers a familiar experience to British customers and provides a wonderful shopping experience for foreign travelers. Greggs will ensure that customers get the same premium services and food they’ve come to expect. All travelers can count on a cozy environment when they get to the airport because of this partnership.

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