Attraction and Love – What Are the Secrets to the Attraction and Love?

The word “love” is used in two different contexts. In one it is used to mean the love of a parent for a child, sibling, or other loved one. In the other it is used to mean lust or the sexual desire. To differentiate between the two we use words like loving and being loved. When used to refer to humans, the word “love” is used to mean a generic form of emotional feeling, whereas the word “loved” is used to mean a specific and romantic form of human bonding.
In order to be aware of the difference between the two types of love let’s take a closer look at the first form love – the love of a parent for a child. Parental love encompasses an assortment of positive and emotionally stable feelings, from the utmost friendship, the best intimate habit, or the most intense religious devotion. When these feelings are mixed with sexual attraction, the result can be one of unfulfilled sexual desires and an inability to move on with one’s life in some other way. This form of love often involves feelings of guilt, and sometimes even shame, on the part of the parent for falling in love with one’s child rather than another.
On the other hand, “loving” involves feelings that stem from being deeply in love with someone or with something. These feelings may involve compassion, dedication, generosity, trust, respect, and happiness. “Loving” can also involve a longing for security in one’s relationship with another. When this security is threatened by others, it can make a person feel as if his or her partner is unsafe and can lead to a variety of relational problems. “Loving” may also refer to a sense of loyalty and obligation to a partner as well as the need to provide that particular person with the type of love that one feels is lacking in that particular person.
In essence, “loving” can be considered a form of attachment, but one that is more complex and meaningful than simply giving or receiving affection. By developing skills that promote positive emotions, it is possible to create a more healthy type of attachment to another person or to a relationship. Developing positive emotions can promote health, increase one’s self-esteem, improve one’s moods, reduce stress levels, decrease the risk of heart disease, and reduce the chances of depression. In general, these positive emotions can make a person happier, healthier, and more successful in their personal, business, and civic relationships.
Positive emotions are not only important in relationships, they are also important in our health and in our lives in general. Emotional health includes the ability to feel good about oneself and to manage and control negative emotions, such as envy, worry, anger, sadness, guilt, and self-pity. Positive feelings, as opposed to negative ones, lead to happiness, which in turn leads to improved health. In addition, positive feelings may also motivate us to do things that will improve our relationships with others and with ourselves. For example, if you feel like your partner is treating you unfairly, you may want to speak up and tell them that they are being unfair to you. By having feelings of fairness toward others, we become more assertive in communication with others and take a stand to ensure that we are treated fairly.
When you are involved in a romantic relationship or are dating someone, it is important to remember that when you are attached to someone emotionally that you will expect love and affection in return. Strong emotions, such as love, make us human and make us desire to connect with others. When we experience strong feelings of love from another person, we naturally want to spend time with that person, go out on dates with that person, have sex with that person, get married and have children with that person, and do all sorts of things that are likely to make us happy. The more time you invest in another person, the more time you are likely to get back from that other person and be happy.